#next ppkm week
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ppkm-week · 3 months ago
Alright guys, it's that time again-
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in PPKM week 2024! We had a lot of really amazing entries this year, all of them really good, high quality stuff (go check them out if you haven't had the chance)!!
Just like last year, we'll still be accepting (and of course reblogging) any late submissions if you missed a day or two or heck even the whole week, we won't tell if you don't ;>
Thank you again to the fandom for working hard to deliver, y'all are amazing, see you next year <3
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thetruearchmagos · 4 months ago
PPKM WEEK 2024 PROMPT 1; 'Living Together
Wooowheee, I've been looking forward to this! Had a head start since I've lifted a lot of this from an unfinished ppkm fic from months ago, so I think the next few days will be a lot trickier.
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asrisgratitudejournal · 3 years ago
Haha ini title postnya berdasarkan jumlah followers tumblr ku yang sekarang ada 99. Ternyata si postingan Jardine itu sangat laku ya. Padahal ini awal pembuatan tumblrnya adalah to deal with my depression karena merasa nggak berprogres dalam hidup makanya mau nulis things to be grateful for setiap hari atau seminggu 1x lah minimal, dan to make myself feel better. Anyway, mungkin berterimakasih dulu ke kak Dea yang sudah membuatku menulis tentang experience Jardine walaupun itu TMI semua isinya. Sepertinya ku memang harus di-push atau diminta gitu deh baru bisa produktif hm. Sekarang pun sebetulnya masih ada PR ke Kak Davit karena dia minta ku bikin tulisan tentang “ekosistem pendidikan di oxford university yang baik untuk diteladani” untuk di-pos di webnya beliau. Cuma ya gitu, ku tunda-tunda terus karena merasa kurang materi alias susah juga karena aku belajarnya S3 kan di sini, dan aku gapernah tahu S3 di Indonesia kaya gimana(?) jadi nggak apple to apple. Atau ya sebetulnya bisa sih aku tulis tentang S1… well, anyway, pada akhirnya aku mengeluarkan excuses aja sih ini HAHA. Tapi aku coba deh mulai drafting at least outlinenya aja today (ini juga merupakan salah satu usahaku untuk avoiding working today sepertinya…. termasuk dengan menulis post ini juga…)
Terakhir ngepos ternyata minggu lalu! Tanggal 7 September imagine. Itu juga buat julid…. yang betul-betul ngelist things to be grateful tanggal 5 september alias Sabtu minggu lalu. Dari hari itu ke Senin ini udah ada ribuan events deh kayanya, dari yang paling early dulu ya:
Berhasil datang ke departemen pagi ini! Sampai dept jam 9.15 am WOW pagi banget ya. Ini kayanya perdana deh ku berhasil sampai jam segitu selain emang harus ngelab. Ini tapi ku merasa udah agak kesiangan sesungguhnya. Besok mencoba jam 9 teng sudah sampai office ah. Oh iya, ku lagi program akan WFO tiap hari mulai Senin ini! Karena sudah lifted semua restriction kan. Dan memang sepertinya akan jauh lebih produktif kalau ke office. Hari ini targetnya adalah: melihat dan ngeplot data %S yang sudah kudapatkan dari lab di RHUL!
Sudah vote round 1 Ketua PPI UK juga! Sepertinya karena pandeminya sudah mulai berakhir jadi lebih seru ya. Tahun lalu seingatku calonnya cuma 2(?) dan memang ku belum eligible to vote juga sih waktu itu jadi nggak terlalu ngikutin. Tapi yang sekarang ini ada 4 kandidat dan salah satunya aku kenal hehe, sayangnya nggak bisa jadi timses karena masih dihitung sebagai pengurus PPI UK aktif kan sekarang. Anyway, YES sebentar lagi dekomisioner!!! Akhirnyaaaaaaaaaa
Kemarin Minggu plannya mau istirahat aja aslinya. Memang ada kelas DD dan Raka sampe dari jam 0800 sampai jam 1200, terus tadinya pengen nggak ngapa-ngapain aja seharian atau nonton Hometown Cha3x atau Money Heist gitu. Eh tapi tiba-tiba jadi banyak banget agenda after lunch… Call sama sampah, terus meeting sama Bapak Ibu juri juga bahas soal yang bakal keluar besok, paling highlight itu ditelpon sama Teh Rosi sih, dia lagi otw Oxford mau shooting-in Mas Indra terus butuh cameo gitu… jadi yasudahlah langsung mandi saya dan cabs ketemuan di Radcam jam 1500. Seru nemenin Mas Indra shooting di Christchurch meadow, terus beresnya dianter pulang ke rumah sama Teh Rosi + dikasih berkat banyak bangeeet: tahu mentah buat dimasak, nasi biryani, bihun, gorengan bakwan, mini lumpia ebi, kastangel… wow betul-betul yah berkat dari silaturahmi…..
Sabtu malam ku berhasil masak nasigoreng! Kemarin dikirimin abon dari Indo dititipin via Alris, ini abon daging kurban di Karanganyar dibawain papaku ke Jakarta pas PPKM huhu terharu banget gaksi. Yaudah karena ku biasanya makan abon pake nasgor, akhirnya beres badminton (YANG MANA ADL CAPEK BGT) memutuskan untuk ke Sainsburys buat beli tomat dan timun untuk dimakan dengan nasgor + abon. Kebetulan masih punya ayam KFC sisa juga. Jadi ku goreng bareng aja itu ayamnya setelah ku-suwir. Sampe sekarang nasgornya masih ada di kulkas btw….. karena mayan banyak porsinya ku masaknya. Satu hal yang betul-betul baru kusadari lagi setelah kemarin masak: banyak banget cucian piring HUHU. Akhirnya tapi kutinggalin aja itu di sink sampai Minggu pagi sebelum kelas DD baru kucuci…
Sabtu Badminton as usual! Terus ramai ber-8, Prama ngebook 2 courts. Tapi sedih banget starting from next week there’s no more court in Brookes that we can use karena udah ga covid kan… terus kayanya ya courtnya akan dipake sama anak-anak Brookes aja terutama karena ada freshers event and everything ☹ sekarang lagi mikir sih gimana main habis ini hmmm tadi googling ada session di Iffley tapi sama si OUBC gitu. Probably I’ll try that one(?)
Jumat ketemu sama Tamsin ngobrol banyak banget dan senang banget juga! Udah ada target buat submit paper by Christmas this year. Semua data udah ada di aku kan, jadi memang betul-betul tinggal analisis dan nulis aja sekarang…. huf doakan aku ya manteman! Kami juga bahas what to do for the 2nd chapter of my thesis and what’s the plan after I finish my dphil. I’m just so happy to be able to talk freely with my spv tho! :))))
Kamis ke London!!! Ada lunch sama Jardine di kantor mereka terus I got to see so many new people! Jelas ketemu dengan Ben dan Adam Keswicknya langsung *huhu imagine, orang yang meng-inves £40k++ per tahun ke diriku yang worthless ini* -- tbh foodnya ok aja tapi ya experiencenya sih yang memang sangat berharga. Bisa ketemu dengan teman-teman sesame scholars di Oxbridge, ada yang udah submit disertasi tinggal nunggu viva, ada undergrads juga. I’m not into meeting new people sebetulnya. Tapi ya akibat pandemic and I literally just came to a new place where I don’t know anyone, ya lagi-lagi silaturahmi alias networking itu harus dibangun… habis lunch, jalan-jalan ke Chinatown di London. Beli bubble tea yang sangat enak di Kissaten!!! Super wajib beli anyone kalau ke London. Habis itu nemenin Gabriella nyari snowy mooncake rasa white peach ke supermarket-supermarket di Chinatown. Terus ke Oseyo juga! Itu Korean supermarket di London, yang mana ku beli Cold Brew packaging BTS di situ (baru beli RM dan Jimin sih). Terus abis itu ketemu sama Angel yang besoknya akan kembali ke Indonesia. Akhirnya ketemu juga sama teman-teman PPI UK -ku. Balik-balik sampai Ox jam 8 pm gitu? Laper banget akhirnya beli kebab seturunnya bis dan lucunya si Wian melihat ku lagi jajan kebab haha dia baru balik dari lab ceunah. Padahal siangnya ya kami ketemuan juga di lunch Jardine, tapi nggak ngobrol banyak sih cuma papasan aja karena kami beda ruangan.
Rabu-Selasa-Senin kayanya w lagi fase low mood aja jadi nggak ngapa-ngapain, literally stay at home doing nothing. Berusaha untuk baca paper tapi ya gitu lah… sekarang targetnya sebetulnya adalah submit paper ke jurnal karena sudah lewat deadline untuk CPUI ke PUI haha. Doakan aku ya wankawan.
Ah! Minggunya minggu lalu! Terakhir kan ku cerita akan ada talk GEA ya, itu kayanya ngeposnya pagi deh. Terus yaudah, akhirnya talk GEAnya lancar Alhamdulillah (sekali lagi terima kasih kepada Devyul dan tim atas kesempatannya, semoga bermanfaat acaranya). Terus habis itu ke rumah Mas Indra lah saya, dimasakin steak! sangat enak lalu main boardgame: Ticket to Ride (in which I lose ☹) terus ngobrol-ngobrol dan kemudian pulang. Sampai rumah jam 9 pm-an I think…
Wow panjang juga post ini haha. Tapi memang eventful banget last weekend. Bagus sih tapi jadinya I feel like I’m more alive (?) somehow. Oh iya keluarga juga back home Alhamdulillah sehat-sehat, kemarin mama malahan abis main ke puncak sama grup senamnya hadeh. Aku gatau seperti apa kondisi Indonesia sekarang, but thankfully I see less sad thread/stories on twitter(?). Semoga membaik ya. I think the PPKM thing is implemented well. Hope things get better soon!
30.18 11.17 am 13/09/2021
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mercyinthestars · 6 years ago
God, this trope list is amazing in general, how about 14+60+Korrasami or 7+56+PPKM? How would you do it? I love what i saw of your writing until now btw!
Ooh, I wanna tackle both of these! You’re lovely, by the way, thank you so much
For Korrasami 14 (Bodyguard AU) + 60 (Poorly Timed Confession): A world where the events take place in the United Republic of Nations, same kind of political atmosphere as TLOK’s timeline, but in a more modern timeline, where they have technology and guns and stuff like that. Asami is an investigative journalist working for Republic City’s most prestigious newspaper. Korra is the bodyguard assigned to protect her when Asami is assigned a piece that involves traveling to the region where Korra was born -- Water Tribe’s territory. Things are peaceful at first, Asami staying with Korra’s family and getting to know them while they help her navigate the area, but then civil war breaks out (probably courtesy of Korra’s uncle). A lot of the story would focus on that conflict and the growing romantic and emotional tension between Asami and Korra, as Asami wants to continue with the piece while Korra thinks Asami should return to Republic City and leave it to Korra to broker negotiations between her father and her uncle (yeah, she’d still be “princess” of the area I suppose, which I’m sure would leave plenty of room for snarky comments from friends and family about “how funny it is that the princess decided to slum it as a bodyguard”). Eventually, the conflict comes to a head, and Korra’s family compound is directly attacked by her uncle’s forces, with Asami and Korra caught in the crossfire. And here we have the poorly timed confession -- at some point, with bullets literally whizzing past them, both girls frightened for their own and the other’s safety, it’s decided that Korra will try to take down the attackers blocking their exit path so they can both try to get to safety. Asami tells her, “Don’t go out there and die for me. I want you back here alive.” Korra looks at her and says, “I’ll do what I need to do to protect you.” Asami grows frustrated with Korra’s stubbornness and asks her why, why she’d put her life on the line for someone she didn’t even know a year ago, for someone who should be nothing more than a job to her. Korra simply responds, “Because that’s what you do for the people you love,” and then leaves a very confused Asami to sort through all that while she tries to get rid of the attackers. PS: They get out safely, conflict would be eventually resolved, happy Korrasami future in Water Tribe territory (bc Asami grows to love the area and its relative peace and quiet, so different from the constant noise and hustle and bustle of Republic City), all is well.
For PPKM 7 (Florist AU) + 56 (Awful First Meeting): An AU where Diya and Noelle have been friends since elementary school, but Akarsha and Min went to different elementary schools, Min still moved to Florida and came back for high school, and then went to the same high school as Akarsha (different high school from Noelle and Diya’s). Also, for the fun of it, the girls live in San Francisco, not Oakland. The girls are all in their first year of college but are back home for the summer. Noelle’s parents own a flower shop but are just as anal about grades as they were in the game, holding their profession over her head to threaten her with “what the future will look like if you don’t get into medical school or law school”. Diya, Noelle, and Akarsha have just returned home for the summer from their first year of college; Min is working at a café whose hipster vibe she both despises and oddly admires. Noelle’s parents are forcing her to work at the flower shop for the summer as punishment for her not getting a competitive internship that she’d applied for (we would later find out that she sabotaged her application because she didn’t want to follow the med-school path her parents had planned for her). The second week of Noelle’s summer break, Akarsha comes to the flower shop with her mom, who is looking to order flower arrangements for some banquet she’s helping to host for Akarsha’s father’s business partners. Akarsha, clumsy as ever, stumbles and runs into a shelf of glass vases, which she promptly knocks over and destroys. Noelle is furious to the point of tears, knowing her parents will blame her for the accident and scream at her about the cost of purchasing new vases. Akarsha’s mother feels terrible about what happened and drags Akarsha back there the next day, offering her up as a worker for the shop until Akarsha has earned back enough to repay them for the broken vases. Noelle’s father is with her when this happens, and though Noelle doesn’t want to work with Akarsha, who she thinks will only be a thorn in her side, her father accepts Akarsha’s mother’s offer and takes Akarsha on as a new hire. At first, Noelle and Akarsha constantly argue, and Noelle is pretty convinced she’ll never get the hang of things -- but as time goes on, she discovers that Akarsha is kind of an asset, with the other girl having a real eye for colors and arrangements (and selling people on them) that Noelle just doesn’t have (she’s far better at running the books and keeping things organized). She starts to genuinely enjoy working with Akarsha, and as they grow closer, she realizes she might be interested in getting to know her as more than just a coworker, or even more than a friend. Akarsha brings Noelle to the café where Min works, and this kickstarts a background Min and Diya relationship, as Noelle has Diya meet them there one day so they can catch up, and Min is of course immediately enamored with her. There’s conflict when, after Akarsha has paid off her debt, Noelle’s father wants to fire her, saying she only distracts Noelle; he does fire her, but after some Good Ol Angsty Time filled with other conflict that I’m not sure of yet (probably Noelle taking Akarsha’s firing as a sign that She Is Meant To Be Straight and this was God’s way of keeping her from falling completely for someone she has no business being with, blah blah), he realizes sales have gone way down since Akarsha has left and offers her her position back. Akarsha and Noelle finally get together at the end of the summer, though Noelle of course has concerns about a long-distance relationship (Akarsha goes to the University of Toronto and Noelle goes to UC Berkeley), but Akarsha promises they’ll make it work, and Noelle for once allows herself to take a chance. Cut to epilogue where Noelle has secured a summer internship in Toronto, as has Akarsha, and they’re Super Happy and disgustingly in love. We love icons
thanks for asking!! this was super fun to do
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ppkm-week · 7 months ago
Alright, votes are in and we WILL be having a ppkm week this year!! 🎉🎉🎉
But first, I'd like to ask for y'all's help. :)
Pls send in some potential prompts for ppkm week- whether that be in the ask box, through dms, or in the replies to this post!
That'll be all for now 🫡 see you guys next update (hopefully soon!)
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ppkm-week · 1 year ago
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in PPKM week!!! It was a really fun week and it was awesome seeing all the different works that came out of it, I'll still be reblogging and retweeting any late entries for anyone who may still have some works in the works but thank you to everyone for participating and I hope to see you all here again next year ❤️
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